We proudly manufacture and sell two distinct types of poker chips: Composite Poker Chips and Clay Poker Chips. Given the range of ways companies can market their chips, we strongly recommend purchasing our $1 Sample Pack (inclusive of shipping) for an up-close comparison. Interestingly, our Composite Poker Chips are akin to the Clay Poker Chips of our major competitors. The nuances are best understood by examining our samples side by side with theirs.
You might want to consider a bit stronger glue. They tend to separate from the cardboard during shipping. I had to do an analysis to sort it out. Possible, but a bit tricky. Otherwise, great to get actual examples!! Thanks
Wonderful to be able to see and feel the chips prior to purchasing.
I'm a YouTuber. I do reviews on products for locksmiths and locksport/lock pickers I do tool reviews product reviews product testing for our community and we all order poker chips with our nicknames and logo on it and pass them out and we collect them? Would you like me to do a review on your company's poker chips? We get our poker chips and challenge coins from a couple different places and give them away in our giveaways on YouTube which I have a big one coming up If you would like to be a part of it and it deals with helping our veterans so it's for a good cause I'm going to be doing a contest that people in our community can buy into in the proceeds go to mitten made which is a Michigan based group that provides help for our veterans. And I would like to use your company to make our collectible series about poker chips for our event that will be starting in mid-april If so, you're more than welcome to contact me at brokepicks13@gmail.com or by telephone @ (907)740-8930