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At ChipLab, we proudly manufacture and sell two distinct types of poker chips: Clay Poker Chips and Composite Poker Chips. Given the range of ways companies can market their chips, we strongly recommend purchasing our $1 Sample Pack (inclusive of shipping) for an up-close comparison. Interestingly, our Composite Poker Chips are akin to the Clay Poker Chips of our major competitors. The nuances are best understood by examining our samples side by side with theirs.
Let’s start with a poker set with 500 chips that is intended for a casual, "just for fun" poker game. If you’re trying to figure out how many chips you need for a large poker tournament, skip down to “Chip suggestions for tournaments”.
During the production process, we apply a liquid coating to our poker chips and then expose them to ultraviolet light. This exposure causes the coating to bond and dry instantly, forming a protective barrier.
In an era where personalization reigns supreme, it's all about creating bespoke experiences and unique offerings for your customers. At ChipLab, we offer a powerful solution that perfectly embodies this concept: variable data printing (VDP) on poker chips.
Check out these prototypes with our new ChipShield headed to The Barrel Social Club. The coating we’re using here is basically the same stuff they use on engineered floor tiles. It gives us about a 10 mil additional wear layer. These chips will last a lon
10,000 #drinktokens #pokerchips headed out to Hotel Zara today. We have 3 poker chip production lines up now for 2024 (4 including clay) with a daily production capacity of 24,000 chips per day (48,000 printed impressions per day since chips are 2-sided).
#vfw #drinktokens printed on our white solid composite poker chips
Solid chips with targets on them make excellent golf ball markers! #golfballmarker
CAL FIRE Incident Response Team chips/tokens #custompokerchips
Print QR codes on chips! #qrcodes #custommade #pokerchips
whoop whoop ... wee-ooo-wee-ooo-wee-ooo #k9 #k9dogs #custompokerchips #k9challengecoins
Music fest chips are headed to shrink wrap! They came out great.
Digging up some oldies for the new site today. #custompokerchips #pokerchips … all of our chips are automated and direct print at this point **except** for this classic ‘3 Tone Gem’ chip shown here. We still make these by first making the inlays and assem
Cool #drinktokens #pokerchips on the double stripe red composite chips.